News on Natural Remedies, Good Sleep and Good Health

Archive for the ‘sleep minerals’ Category

Exercise obviously develops physical benefits. But did you know it can also help you lower stress and anxiety and beat…

via How Much Exercise Is Enough? Less Than You Might Think… — Healthy Body – Healthy Mind

Simple exercises such as walking can be a lot of fun.  This short article goes over a few things one can do to make the most of it for the greatest health and well-being.  In addition, walking has been shown in studies to help with sleep and relaxation (it’s best to do it earlier in the day, rather than too close to bedtime).  Walking can help to set the natural “sleep/wake” rhythms of the body.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of natural remedies since 2002.  Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

How Much Exercise Is Enough? Less Than You Might Think… Healthy Body – Healthy Mind

With the travel season underway, eating healthy while on the road or plane can prove challenging. When away from home, we are often enticed by fast food and sweets. To make matters worse, traveling makes you feel hungrier. In fact, studies have shown that those who travel regularly are more like to become obese and […]

via How To Combat Hunger When You Travel — Let’s Discuss Nutrition

This article has some good advice on how to stay healthy while traveling.  Staying hydrated with water is so important, as is eating healthy proteins and vegetables.  Changing time zones can throw off our sleep, so be sure to get some exercise in and use absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium before bed if you need to.  Happy travels!

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of natural remedies since 2002.  Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

How To Combat Hunger When You Travel — Let’s Discuss Nutrition

This is an interesting article on how different people respond to foods – the main point is that everybody is different. And it’s true that we need to be alert to any reactions we have from certain foods and remove them in the future if there’s any bad effects.

The best way to eat for you may not be the same for someone else, so be sure to include healthy foods, proteins, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and fats and be wary of cutting out any specific food groups from your diet.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

Let's Discuss Nutrition

selective focus photo of cheese and grater on plate

Everybody is different. Which means we all react differently to fat consumption and the body’s inflammatory response. A study recently published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry by researchers at the Agricultural Research Service and their University of California-Davis colleagues gave some unexpected results.

“We looked at the inflammatory reactions of 20 volunteers at 0, 3 and 6 hours after eating a standardized meal containing 38 percent fat and their responses were completely unique. No two were exactly the same,” explained molecular biologist Danielle G. Lemay at the ARS Western Human Nutrition Research Center in Davis, California.

What does that exactly mean? To explain we must understand what inflammation is: a defense mechanism used by the body. When we get injured, the body sends white blood cells there. Surprisingly, we can get inflamed from eating certain foods. This reaction is normal, especially when consuming meals with high amounts of fat. This…

View original post 410 more words


Posted on: August 26, 2019

Calcium is an essential mineral not only for bone health, but in muscle contractions all over the body. From the age of 25, the rate of our bone formation becomes less than the rate of bone breakdown, meaning from then on we must maintain adequate levels so this process has the least possible impact on […]

via Calcium & dairy free diets —

This is an interesting article on some dairy-free sources of calcium and it also discusses the interactions of calcium and vitamin D and how they work together.  While there is no need to remove dairy from your diet if you can digest it, plant-based sources of calcium are plentiful and can help you obtain a good amount.  Sardines with bones are another great source of calcium.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of natural remedies since 2002.  Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

Calcium and dairy free diets – some healthy choices

Greetings to you,

Here’s a link to an informative article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on how a healthy diet can help prevent and treat macular degeneration.

Macular degeneration is a condition of the eyes affecting the central part of the retina (the macula).  It results in distortion or loss of central vision and occurs especially in older adults.

Dr. Joseph Mercola is a physician trained in both traditional and natural medicine who provides up-to-date natural health information. 

This health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of effective natural remedies since 2002.  Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.

By Mary Jane Brown, PhD, RD (Registered Dietitian) – Courtesy of Authority Nutrition

Woman Holding a Cracked CoconutCoconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.”

Its unique combination of fatty acids can have profound positive effects on health.

This includes fat loss, better brain function and various other amazing benefits.

Here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of coconut oil.

1. Coconut Oil Contains Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties

Coconut oil has been demonized in the past because it contains saturated fat. In fact, coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat known to man, with almost 90% of the fatty acids in it being saturated (1).

However, new data is showing that saturated fats are harmless. Many massive studies that include hundreds of thousands of people prove that the whole “artery-clogging” idea was a myth (2).

Additionally, coconut oil doesn’t contain your average run-of-the-mill saturated fats like you would find in cheese or steak.

No, they contain so-called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – which are fatty acids of a medium length.

Most of the fatty acids in the diet are long-chain fatty acids, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently.

They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source energy or turned into so-called ketone bodies (substances produced during the metabolism of fats), which can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

Bottom Line: Coconut oil contains a lot of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently and can have therapeutic effects on several brain disorders.

2. Populations That Eat a Lot of Coconut Oil Are Healthy

Girl Eating Coconut

Coconut is kind of an “exotic” food in the Western world, primarily consumed by health conscious people.

However, in some parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for many generations.

The best example of such a population is the Tokelauans, which live in the South Pacific.

They eat over 60% of their calories from coconuts and are the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world.

These people are in excellent health, with no evidence of heart disease (3).

Another example of a population that eats a lot of coconut and remains in excellent health is the Kitavans (an island near Australia)..

Bottom Line: Plenty of populations around the world have thrived for multiple generations eating massive amounts of coconut.

3. Coconut Oil Can Help You Burn More Fat


Obesity is currently one of the biggest health problems in the world.

While some people think obesity is only a matter of calories, others (myself included) believe that the sources of those calories are critical too.

It is a fact that different foods affect our bodies and hormones in different ways. In this regard, a calorie is NOT a calorie.

The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can increase energy expenditure compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats (5).

One study found that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day increased 24 hour energy expenditure by 5%, totalling about 120 calories per day.

Bottom Line: The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil have been shown to increase 24 hour energy expenditure by as much as 5%, potentially leading to significant weight loss over the long term.

4. Coconut Oil Can Kill Harmful Microorganisms

Running Away From Pathogens

Almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is Lauric Acid.

When coconut oil is digested by enzymes, it also forms a type of fat called monolaurin.

Both lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi (8).

For example, these substances have been shown to kill the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus (a very dangerouspathogen) and the yeast Candida Albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans (10).

Bottom Line: The fatty acids and breakdown products in coconut oil can kill harmful pathogens, potentially helping to prevent infections.

5. Coconut Oil Can Reduce Your Hunger, Helping You Eat Less

Man Drinking From Coconut

One interesting feature of coconut oil is that it can reduce your hunger.

This may be related to the way the fatty acids in it are metabolized, because ketone bodies (substances produced during the metabolism of fats) can have an appetite reducing effect.

In one study, varying amounts of medium and long chain triglycerides were fed to 6 healthy men.

The men eating the most MCTs ate 256 fewer calories per day, on average.

Another study in 14 healthy men discovered that those who ate the most MCTs at breakfast ate significantly fewer calories at lunch (13).

These studies were small and only done for a short period of time. If this effect were to persist over the long term, it could have a dramatic influence on body weight over a period of several years.

Bottom Line: The fatty acids in coconut oil can significantly reduce appetite, which may positively affect body weight over the long term.

6. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Are Turned into Ketones, Which Can Reduce Seizures

Open Coconut

A so-called ketogenic (very low carb, very high fat) diet is currrently being studied to treat various disorders.

The best known therapeutic application of this diet is treating drug-resistant epilepsy in children.

This diet involves eating very little carbohydrates and large amounts of fat, leading to greatly increased concentrations of ketone bodies in the blood.

For some reason, this diet can dramatically reduce the rate of seizures in epileptic children, even those who haven’t had success with multiple different types of drugs.

Because the MCTs in coconut oil get shipped to the liver and turned into ketone bodies, they are often used in epileptic patients to induce ketosis while allowing for a bit more carbs in the diet (16).

Bottom Line: The MCTs in coconut oil can increase blood concentration of ketone bodies, which can help reduce seizures in epileptic children.

7. Coconut Oil Can Improve Blood Cholesterol Levels

Cracked Coconut

Coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats, which actually do not harm the blood lipid profile like previously thought.

Saturated fats raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and change the LDL (bad) cholesterol to a benign form.

In one study in 40 women, coconut oil reduced Total and LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL compared to soybean oil.

There are also rat studies showing that coconut oil reduces triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol, increases HDL and improves blood coagulation factors and antioxidant status.

This improvement in cardiovascular risk factors should theoretically lead to a reduced risk of heart disease over the long term.

Bottom Line: Studies in both humans and rats show that coconut oil improves important risk factors like Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, which may translate to a reduced risk of heart disease.

8. Coconut Oil Can Protect Hair Against Damage, Moisturize Skin and Function as Sunscreen

Cracked Coconut With Peels

Coconut oil can serve various purposes that have nothing to do with eating it.

Many people are using it for cosmetic purposes and to improve the health and appearance of their skin and hair.

Studies on individuals with dry skin show that coconut oil can improve the moisture and lipid content of the skin (22).

Coconut oil can also be very protective against hair damage and one study shows effectiveness as sunscreen, blocking about 20% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Another application is using it like mouthwash in a process called oil pulling, which can kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental health and reduce bad breath (26).

Bottom Line: Coconut oil can be applied topically as well, studies showing it to be effective as a skin moisturizer and protecting against hair damage. It can also be used as a mild form of sunscreen and as mouthwash.

9. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Can Boost Brain Function in Alzheimer’s Patients

Doctor With Thumbs Up

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia worldwide and occurs primarily in elderly individuals.

In Alzheimer’s patients, there appears to be a reduced ability to use glucose for energy in certain parts of the brain.

Ketone bodies can supply energy for the brain and researchers have speculated that ketones can provide an alternative energy source for these malfunctioning cells and reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

In one 2006 study, consumption of medium chain triglycerides led to immediate improvement in brain function in patients with milder forms of Alzheimer’s.

Other studies support these findings and medium chain triglycerides are being intensively studied as potential therapeutic agents in Alzheimer’s disease (31).

Bottom Line: Studies show that the fatty acids in coconut oil can increase blood levels of ketone bodies, supplying energy for the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients and relieving symptoms.

10. Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Fat, Especially The Harmful Abdominal Fat

A man who needs to lose weight

Given that coconut oil can reduce appetite and increase fat burning, it makes sense that it can also help you lose weight.

Coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs.

This is the most dangerous fat of all and is highly associated with many Western diseases.

Waist circumference is easily measured and is a great marker for the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.

In a study in 40 women with abdominal obesity, supplementing with 30 mL (1 ounce) of coconut oil per day led to a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference in a period of 12 weeks (19).

Another study in 20 obese males noted a reduction in waist circumference of 2.86 cm (1.1 inches) after 4 weeks of 30 mL (1 ounce) of coconut oil per day.

This number may not seem too impressive on the surface, but be aware that these people aren’t adding exercise or restricting calories. They’re losing significant amounts of abdominal fat simply by adding coconut oil to their diet.

11. Anything Else?

In order to enjoy the health benefits outlined in the article, then you must get organic, virgin coconut oil… NOT the refined stuff.

I personally cook almost everything I eat in coconut oil and my health has never been better.


This health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based sleep aid Sleep Minerals II.

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exercise for bone healthWhat if a research study was conducted with actual real human beings (not animals) that demonstrated a mere one to two minutes a day of exercise could result in better, stronger bones?  Well, there  is one.

With increasing age, our bones become weaker and less dense, particularly in women after menopause due to the decline in estrogen and calcium in the body.  More and more studies are finding that physical movement and activity can counteract the effects of weaker bones and any tendency toward bone fractures.

Epidemiology is the study of how often various diseases occur and also what possible ways or methods might exist to control or eradicate them.  The most recent study on the topic of bone health was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.  The burning question in the researcher’s minds was this: How do we discover what type of exercise, what quantity of exercise, and what intensity, would provide the most positive, beneficial impact on bone strength.

For the study, both pre and post-menopausal women wore small wrist monitors for a week that measured and recorded the intensity of their physical movements.  It was particularly important to the researchers to be able to record very short amounts of activity.  They looked at data for more than 2,500 women, and compared their activity levels with bone health, which was measured by an ultrasound scan of heel bone.

The outcome?  A mere one to two minutes of flat-out, intense exercise resulted in an increase in bone strength.  This translates to a minute or two of slow jogging for a post-menopausal woman or a minute or two of running for a pre-menopausal woman in order to achieve a 4% increase in bone health.  Women who did more than two minutes had a 6% increase.  (Please see further recommendations below on how to safely transition into more intense exercise).

The lead author of the study, Dr Victoria Stiles of the University of Exeter in the UK, said: “We wanted to make every second count in our analysis, because short snippets of high-intensity activity are more beneficial to bone health than longer, continuous periods. We were careful not to ignore short bursts of activity throughout the day.”

Dr. Stiles makes a suggestion for people who are interested in upping their levels of daily exercise.  She said: “The UK’s National Osteoporosis Society recommends increasing your walking activity first.  Further on, we would suggest adding a few running steps to the walk, a bit like you might do if you were running to catch a bus.”

Another proven way to increase bone health is to include more calcium-rich foods in the diet.  Olive oil, leafy greens, almonds, raw cheeses, yogurt, broccoli and carrots are good choices.  Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D supplements are also beneficial.  Not only do these minerals strengthen bone and muscle health, but they are proven to calm sleeplessness and insomnia as well.

One study published in the European Neurology Journal found that calcium levels in the body are higher during some of the deepest levels of sleep, such as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. The study concluded that disturbances in sleep, especially the absence of REM deep sleep or disturbed REM sleep, are related to a calcium deficiency.

William Sears, M.D. writes: “Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin. This explains why dairy products, which contain both tryptophan and calcium, are one of the top sleep-inducing foods.”

One calcium-based supplement shown to be effective for insomnia is Sleep Minerals IIfrom Nutrition Breakthroughs.  This formula contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium, the best minerals for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for menopause insomnia, heart health, restless leg syndrome and bone strength.  It also includes vitamin D and zinc and is delivered in a softgel form with healthy carrier oils, making it more quickly absorbable than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Sadie D. from the Netherlands says: “I am ever so grateful that I discovered Sleep Minerals II after suffering with premenopause and now the real menopause insomnia.  I felt like I was slowly losing my mind due to the continual lack of sleep.  I can’t express the relief of getting a good night’s sleep and being able to function properly.”

Richard P. of Parkville, Maryland says: “The Sleep Minerals are making quite a difference.  I was regularly waking up at around 3:00 a.m. and couldn‘t go back to sleep. Now I wake up once to go to the bathroom, but the great thing is, I then fall back asleep and sleep several more hours.”

The main message is that a combination of exercise and calcium tend to ignite into a dynamic duo that can bring great boosts to bone health, healthy sleep and good overall health.

This health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of effective natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the original calcium and magnesium based natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, as well as Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails and more energy.


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Sleep Minerals II
Nutrition Breakthroughs would like every customer of Sleep Minerals II to get the full benefits of the product and enjoy the restful, deep sleep they desire.  Here are some tips and advice we’ve put together over the years, from learning how to coach people to use the product successfully.

Sleep Minerals II has been newly improved to feature rice bran oil as its main oil ingredient.  Rice bran oil is rich in two types of natural vitamin E and also high in Oryzanol (a word that sounds like “Original”), which is a powerful antioxidant only found in rice bran oil.  Antioxidants protect our tissues from deterioration and help slow the aging process.

Rice bran oil is proven in studies to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, remedy menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and strengthen the immune system.

If you are an existing customer, it’s possible that you may need to take less of this new formula.  The softgel shell is made of natural gelatin and it has a slightly yellowish hue. The amounts of vitamin D and magnesium in the product have been increased, and zinc has been added as it contributes to healthy bones, eyes and digestion. We have received many testimonials for this formula.  Here is one of them:

Richard P. of Parkville, Maryland says: “The Sleep Minerals are making quite a difference.  I was regularly waking up at around 3:00 a.m. and after a week or so my sleep improved quite a lot.  I wake once a night to go to the bathroom, but the great thing is, I then fall back asleep and sleep several more hours. This has been a great improvement.”

Here are the tips on using Sleep Minerals II:

1) Some of my customers have asked me with amazement: “What is in this product? Is it really all-natural?” I want you to know that even though the product is effective at helping people fall sleep or get back to sleep in the night, it is made from only natural minerals and vitamins — it’s just a potent formula.  Sleep Minerals II is a safe product.  The factory that makes it has been certified as having Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and all ingredients are sourced in the USA.

2) Keep the bottle of softgels by your bed. For difficulty falling asleep, take 1 softgel with water 30 to 45 minutes before bed.  Go to the bathroom before bed so you’re not woken up to go too often during the night.   If you are sensitive to supplements or minerals, start with 1 softgel for several nights. In any case, its best to stay with one softgel for about a week.  If you are unable to get to sleep, increase to 2 softgels before bed.  Reduce the dose if you become drowsy during the day or your bowels become too loose.  Use 1 softgel for kids over 10

3) Gradually building up the minerals in your system is the best approach to gaining better sleep.  It may take days or weeks of use to get the best results.  Some people start noticing good effects after the first or second week of use – some sooner, some later.  Be sure to continue taking the product, as consistency is the key.

4) If you are taking the product before bedtime and have a drowsy feeling in the morning or your bowels become too loose, you can take it earlier than at bedtime. For example, take it with dinner or an hour or two before bedtime with a snack, rather than 45 minutes before bedtime. If one softgel continues to be too much, you can cut or bite one end open and squeeze half the contents of one softgel into your mouth or onto a cracker with peanut butter (or another topping) and swallow it down.  Save the other half in a baggie.  This is worth doing if you find you need to, as some people require less to get results.  Even if you’re taking just half a softgel, it’s important to be consistent with it.

5) Occasionally, if someone takes too many softgels for them, the calcium may have a stimulating effect.  If this occurs, reduce the amount you’re taking and it should have a more relaxing effect.  For others, taking too many may leave them feeling tired during the day.  In this case, reduce the dose.

6) If you prefer not to swallow the softgels, bite or cut one end open and squeeze the contents into your mouth and drink it down.  You can also mix it with food or spread it on food. It’s like a creamy paste inside with mixed minerals. This paste is the essence of what makes the minerals so very absorbable.

7) If you are taking any medications in the evening, its best to take them at least an hour apart from the Sleep Minerals.  This is because each thing may have a different effect and its best to keep them separate.

In addition to insomnia, this product also provides excellent nutritional support for restless leg syndrome, bone health, muscle cramps, menopausal symptoms, heart health, stomach health, premenstrual syndrome, and teenage insomnia.

We look forward to staying in touch with you and to hearing any questions, comments, or beneficial improvements to your sleep.  Let us know how you do.

For more information on Sleep Minerals II, visit



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Here’s a handy chart that shows all the many benefits of walking. Whether it’s a walk around the mall or around the block, walking provides an almost unlimited number of health benefits.

Studies at the University of Arizona found that walking more than six blocks a day at a normal pace significantly improves sleep at night for women.  Scientists suspect that exercise helps set our biological clock into a consistent wake/sleep pattern, or it may boost the brain’s production of serotonin, a neurochemical that encourages sleep.

This health news is provided to you by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the effective natural insomnia remedy Sleep Minerals II.

Best of health,

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs


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