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Archive for February 2022

Hello everyone! Why do we need to know about the glycemic index of food? The answer is simple. Whatever food we eat, we should know how fast the food is digested and absorbed in our body and how fast it raises our blood sugar level. (continue reading) …

Glycemic index: 6 facts to know πŸ™Œ β€” The 3H:health,happiness,healing

If I asked you to guess which fruit Dan Buettner, the found of the Blue Zones, said is his favorite longevity fruit, which would you choose? Pomegranates? Blueberries? Acai? Goji berries? You may be surprised to learn his favorite fruit is bananas. Here’s why: They possess various health benefits depending of their degree of ripeness.Β […]

Nutrition: A Surprising Longevity Food β€” 3-D Vitality