News on Natural Remedies, Good Sleep and Good Health

Posts Tagged ‘nutrition breakthrough


Posted on: November 1, 2019

The Environmental Working Group has listed these foods as being low in pesticide residues. While some people choose to eat organic foods, these conventionally grown foods are considered to be healthy for everyone. 1-Avocados- The avocado is considered a fruit which is unusual in that it is not high in carbohydrates. It is high in…

via The Clean 15 — David’s Way to Health and Fitness

Here’s a nicely written list of the “Clean 15” foods, with some nutritional and vitamin values added for each food from “David’s Way”.

The list originally comes from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), with these foods having been tested and shown to be low in pesticides and chemicals.

However, according to the EWG, a small amount of sweet corn, papaya and summer squash sold in the United States is produced from genetically modified seeds. Buy organic varieties of these crops if you want to avoid GMO produce.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition news and supplier of natural remedies since 2002.  Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

The Clean 15: David’s Way to Health and Fitness – Low Pesticide Foods


Posted on: September 3, 2019

Eaten your fresh greens today? By ‘fresh’ I mean fresh raw salad greens, herbs, and other green vegetables like broccoli, silverbeet and kale. They’ve got lots to offer you, and can really give your health a boost: (The photos are to give you an idea of the quantity of greens I put into my own […]

via Eaten Your ‘Fresh’ Greens Today? — Olwen Anderson Naturopath & Counsellor

Some good advice here.  The naturopath says:
“Greens can offer you even more:

  • They’re packed with vitamins and minerals in a form that’s easily absorbed,
  • including folic acid for your nervous system and vitamin A for your skin and immunity.
  • The nutrients in greens provide raw materials to help your liver work more effectively, which will help your skin glow.
  • The vitamin C and bioflavonoids in raw greens have an anti-inflammatory effect.”


Some additional notes from Nutrition Breakthroughs:

Leafy greens have also been shown to prevent diabetes, strengthen the “energy” centers of all the cells in the body, prevent heart disease and protect the eyes and vision.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and a supplier of natural remedies since 2002.  Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D, and also Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, arthritis, aches and pains, stronger hair, better nails, and more energy.

Eaten Your ‘Fresh’ Greens Today? — Olwen Anderson Naturopath & Counsellor

Greetings to you,

The chart below is an intriguing illustration of the top 12 researched health benefits of olive oil — one of the most nutritious foods around.  One example of its power is a new study reported in Science Daily that found extra virgin olive oil, long-known for its heart health benefits, has been identified for its rapid destruction of human cancer cells in a laboratory setting.

Other studies have found that olive oil can protect against hypertension, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Some good ways to eat olive is to use it in salad dressings and on vegetables, rub it on meat and fish before cooking to keep it moist, use it instead of butter in sauces and gravies, spread it on fresh bread, and saute or cook food with it.

To your good health,

Jobee Knight
Nutrition Breakthroughs
Maker of effective natural sleep aids and joint and pain relief remedies
Toll-free: 888-861-0326

Olive oil benefits
Article source:

WalnutsWalnuts are perhaps the most famous tree nut of all and have been named the “Healthiest of All Nuts”. They are rich in plant-based fats and are a good source of the B-vitamins and many minerals. Even though walnuts are one of the easiest foods to eat, they are also a powerful weapon against chronic diseases. Walnuts can be eaten by the handful as a snack, or in salads, soups, vegetable dishes, baked goods or smoothies.

Due to their uniquely high amounts of healthy fats and potent plant chemicals, recent studies are publishing evidence that walnuts can reduce brain stress, lower cholesterol, increase fertility in men, reduce inflammation, lower the risk of diabetes, strengthen the immune system, and help with insomnia because of the natural melatonin they contain.

Supporting the claim that walnuts are the healthiest nut is a recent study from the journal “Food and Function”. The researchers evaluated nine types of raw and roasted nuts and they found walnuts to contain the highest levels and quality of antioxidants.

An “antioxidant” is a substance in foods or vitamins that neutralizes the harmful effects of oxygen in the body. These “oxidative” effects contribute to aging and disease and can be caused by an unhealthful diet, air pollution, smoking, and also the normal processes of digestion and metabolism. Eating just seven walnut halves per day can be enough to obtain its many health advantages.

English walnuts offer powerful benefits to brain health. A study called “Role of Walnuts in Maintaining Brain Health with Age” was published in the Journal of Nutrition. The researchers wrote that walnuts not only reduce the inflammatory load on brain cells, but they also improve communication and connection between the brain cells themselves – helping to maintain good brain health with increasing age.

For a healthy heart and long life, walnuts have been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and also extend life spans in general. Walnuts contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers protective benefits for the heart. A quarter cup of walnuts contains about 1,130 milligrams of l-arginine. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reviewed 13 heart studies and found that the people eating walnuts benefited from a significant decrease in overall cholesterol and had major benefits in the quantity of antioxidants available to them.

Walnuts have been proven to improve fertility and reproductive health. The medical journal “Biology of Reproduction” conducted a study of 117 healthy men and found that eating around a half-cup of walnuts each day produced an increase in healthy fats in the bloodstream and greatly improved the health and vitality of sperm.

Walnuts can be a good sleep inducing food.  Eating a handful of walnuts before bedtime may be a good way to soothe sleeplessness and insomnia. Russel Reiter, Ph.D., a professor of cellular biology at the University of Texas says, “Relatively few foods have been examined for their melatonin content. Our studies demonstrate that walnuts contain melatonin, that it is absorbed when it is eaten, and that it improves our ability to resist oxidative stress caused by toxic molecules. Walnuts also contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to inhibit certain types of cancer and to keep the heart healthy.”

Eating some walnuts regularly can be a delicious and simple way to prevent disease and take advantage of their many health benefits.

This natural health news is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a provider of nutrition articles and effective natural remedies since 2001. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes the effective natural sleep aid Sleep Minerals II, and Joints and More, the natural solution for joint relief, aches and pains, stronger hair and nails and more energy.