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Posts Tagged ‘food intolerances

When your stomach doesn’t feel good, it’s natural to think back to what you last ate and blame that – particularly if your last meal was yet another end-of-year function with catering of dubious quality. Although it’s tempting to attribute the tummy rumbling, gas and bloating to what you ate recently, if you have food intolerances […]

Food intolerance mystery insights — Olwen Anderson Naturopath & Counsellor

Here’s a helpful article from Olwen Anderson on how to avoid bad reactions from eating certain foods. She explains what happens in the body and how to be more aware of your responses to food.

This goes for supplements as well. For example, here’s some advice from the Nutrition Breakthroughs blog:

“When you take nutritional supplements, try to add new supplements one thing at a time so you can isolate where any effects are coming from.  If it helps to energize you, that’s great.  Unless its a sleeping supplement! 

“In that case, take a smaller dose and see if it relaxes you instead.  A good natural sleep aid should help to relax you and also help you sleep sounder and longer.  If there are any after-effects such as grogginess in the morning, take less of the supplement or take it earlier in the day than bedtime, such as at dinner.”

This natural health info is shared by Nutrition Breakthroughs, maker of the effective natural sleep aid
Sleep Minerals II, and also Joints and More, for relief of joint stiffness and aches and increased energy.