News on Natural Remedies, Good Sleep and Good Health

Posts Tagged ‘music for depression

sleeping ladyThe National Sleep Foundation defines insomnia as difficulty with falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, especially when someone has the opportunity to do so.  The effects of insomnia include fatigue, low energy, decreased productivity at work and school, depression, and an increased chance of accidents.

Sleeping drugs are resorted to by up to 25% of the U.S. population, yet because of their strong side effects and next-day grogginess, many people are actively seeking natural remedies to calm insomnia and provide them with restful sleep.  The well-known sleep minerals calcium and magnesium are good examples of relaxing nutritional therapies for insomnia.

James F. Balch, M.D., author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, writes: “A lack of the nutrients calcium and magnesium will cause you to wake up after a few hours and not be able to return to sleep.”  And Doctor William Sears writes: “Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan to manufacture the sleep-inducing substance melatonin.”

Two interesting studies from the Journal of Advanced Nursing have emerged which show that listening to soothing music before bedtime is another effective way to reduce sleeping problems.  In the first study, 94 students between 19 and 28 years old with sleeping difficulties were divided into three groups. Group one listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes at bedtime.  Group two listened to an audio book, and group three made no changes to their bedtime routine.

The results showed that after the 3-week study period, classical music was proven to significantly improve sleep quality.  Symptoms of depression were reduced markedly.  There were no improvements in sleep in the other two groups.

The second study took place in Taiwan with 60 adults between the ages of 60 and 83.  They were divided into two groups.  Half of the participants were allowed to listen to their choice of music from among several different sedative music tapes at bedtime.  At the end of the study, the group listening to the music experienced longer sleep duration, less night time awakenings, better perceived sleep quality and fewer daytime symptoms of insomnia.

The researchers noted that music can decrease anxiety and blood pressure and can cause its positive effects on sleep due to muscle relaxation and providing a distraction from repeated thoughts.

This natural health news is provided by Nutrition Breakthroughs, a publisher of nutrition articles and supplier of natural remedies since 2002. Nutrition Breakthroughs makes Sleep Minerals II, the effective natural sleep aid with calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D.

Sleep Minerals II contains highly absorbable forms of calcium and magnesium and is effective for sleeplessness and insomnia, as well as for heart health, restless leg syndrome, bone strength, menopause insomnia and teenage insomnia. It is delivered in a softgel form mixed with natural rice bran oil, making it better assimilated than tablets or capsules and providing a deeper, longer-lasting sleep.

Tammy M. of Meridian, Idaho says: “I was plagued with insomnia for five years and desperate for a breakthrough. Nothing has helped me more than Sleep Minerals — I*m so sold on them I could go door to door promoting them.  I*m 60 years old and have never slept so soundly.”

Music and minerals may just be the very best combination for combating insomnia and increasing energy and well-being.



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