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Posts Tagged ‘high blood pressure remedy


Elevated blood pressure or hypertension is a major risk factor ….from cardiovascular and renal (kidney) disease. Causes of hypertension include (but are not limited to) smoking, sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in sodium and an inadequate intake of other minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

“Until now, there’s been inconclusive evidence regarding the effect of magnesium supplements on blood pressure,” said Lindsy Kass, Senior Lecturer and registered nutritionist at the University of Hertfordshire. “So we conducted an ….analysis by analysing data from twenty-two trials involving 1,173 people to assess the effect of magnesium on blood pressure.”

In the trials, the magnesium supplementation doses ranged from 120 to 973 mg with between 3 to 24 weeks of follow-up. Although not all individual trials showed significance in blood pressure reduction, by combining the trials, the overall data indicated that magnesium supplementation reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. With the best results observed at the higher dosages.


Comment from the blog author Nutrition Breakthroughs:

According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, magnesium deficiency can also contribute to insomnia.  The Dept. says that:

“Researchers have found in both human and animal studies that magnesium deficiency results in sleep disturbances, such as agitated sleep and frequent periods of awakenings. This has been related to changes in electrical activity in the brain. It looks like magnesium is important for a good night sleep.”

Sleep Minerals II from is an effective sleep remedy for insomnia that contains absorbable forms of magnesium and calcium. For more information on Sleep Minerals II, visit this link: